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Wow! *Lots* More Great Anti-Hacker/Anti-Spam Sites

As usual, a number of LangaList readers volunteered additional information of other options. Man! The collective knowledge of you folks is awesome! Here are some of the best emails:

  • For spam I use SpamCop which not only identifies a numeric address from the Received header but also supplies the abuse address for forwarding the spam.---Peter

  • Fred: Regarding tracking down the owner of an IP address, here's a link to my favorite tool - Network Tracer. Scott Randolph

  • The best set of tools you can get (web based) are Sam Spade (or you can download samspade for windows and an IE 5 browser plugin)

  • http://www.abuse.net and http://spam.abuse.net . Register for free (to prevent misuse) and send complaints to foo.com@abuse.net (if you want to complain to foo.com). To register mail to new@abuse.net and reply to the auto-ack with "I accept" in the first line of your reply.... Also see http://legal.web.aol.com for what they are doing to stop spammers.---Suresh Ramasubramanian

End of List.