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Decatur County Churches of Christ
Updated March 2, 2002


Davis City Church of Christ
Clark Street
Davis City, IA 50065-9770

Bill Manchestor, contact
RR 1, Box 161
Davis City, IA 50065

Schedule of Services:
Sunday: 10:00 AM; 10:45 AM; 6:00 PM Wednesday: 6:30 PM

Special Note: Annual “All Day” Davis City meeting the third Saturday of August.

Attendance: 20    Elders: 0

Church of Christ
305 NE 1st Street
Leon, IA 50144

Mailing Address:
900 NW School
Leon, IA 50144-1335

Hubert Hackler, Evangelist
900 NW School Street
Leon, IA 50144

Member Contact:
Dan Warren
R. R. # 1
Leon, IA 50144

Schedule of Services:
Sunday: 10:15 AM; 11:00 AM; 6:30 PM

Special Note: Singing - First Sunday night every month.

Attendance: 18    Elders: 0